We’d love to hear from you! For all queries, feedback, suggestions – or donations – please email info@rocklands.org.za.
We also welcome new members. If you would like join as a member, or participate in any one of the projects, please email us, also at info@rocklands.org.za.
If you are interested in the Craft or FynbosMengsels projects, or would like to purchase their goods, you can email: fynbosmengsels@rocklands.org.za or craft@rocklands.org.za
If you are interested in donating to any one of our projects, you can do so via the following account:
Rocklands Association for Development (NPO 203-993)
First National Bank
Branch code: 200206 (Clanwilliam)
Acc number: 627 773 71396
Please send us an email stipulating your preferred project.
If you are interested in supporting the climber-intiated “save Rocklands” project for COVID-19, please visit www.saverocklands.com.